Blog Post #9

    I liked distance learning, it gives me time to balance school and work while still being able to do other things outside of these two things. During Covid 19, it was a huge adjustment to balance but since everything else was shut down it was easier to concentrate. Since covid 19, I have chosen to still do online learning but sometimes I do get easily distracted. With distance learning, it is really easy to push back things because you don't have someone telling you to do something. When I am a teacher, I can make sure that I check in on my student to make sure they aren't falling behind. 

    Open Educational Resources are materials that are in the public domain and can be used by teachers or other educators at no cost, they can be reused or used for something else. The thing that I found some open educational resources is On this link it has a list of resources for people to use, it has the name, and then it describes what the website is and what can be found on the site. For example, there is a link case OER commons, which is a network with resources that included how teachers like it with a rating and reviewing.

    I have learned a lot about PowerPoint before I knew a little bit but now I feel more prepared to use this as a resource. PowerPoint is very user-friendly so it is hard to not know what you are doing it gives some ideas for the design and it gives you a theme to start off with. I didn't like PowerPoint because for some reason the page number was going on all the pages and when you want to record the PowerPoint it makes you record your face. Overall, I like PowerPoint and it is something that I look forward to learning more about in Assignment 5! 
