Blog Post #8

        I really liked the web design that we did for this class because it gave us a lot of freedom to be creative with what we were making. I liked the part about adding pictures and making the website how I wanted. The site I used to make my site was hard to use and the pictures were hard to insert, so I struggled with some of the aspects of the website. I can use this in my future career because if I want to create a website for students, then I can use the things I learned from this to create my website. My website link is  Overall, I really liked this assignment I just wish that I would've used the website tools I little better. 

    Diigo is very hard to work with and I am still confused about some of the aspects that it offers I don't understand what it adds to things. I think some of the things can be useful and sharing some articles with different people you work with. We can post these things and then share what we found interesting and how it is connected to all of us. It can be useful in the classroom because as a teacher if we share an article we can have our students comment on different things and we can all collaborate together to find useful information in articles. 

    Technology plays a huge role in teaching and it is constantly changing and evolving teachers can use this for their professional development. Teachers can use teacher professional development to deepen what they know and use this to help teach their students. Some of these developments can be seen as webinars, classes, and workshops. They use these things to teach teachers and they use these schools in their classrooms. This site explains educational technology in 2020-2021,, it shows the top trends, which are useful in a classroom. 


  1. Hi, I liked the way you published your website. All of the formatting was very well cone and consistent with the top banners on each screen. I like how you utilized having text on half of the screen and an image on the other half. Good job.


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