Blog Post #6

  My initial experience using Diigo is it is a little hard to navigate and use. I had some difficulties and sometimes I wasn’t sure if what I was trying to post would post. I found the highlighting tool very useful and I have used it since we used it for the assignment. I think Diigo would get easier as I use it but at first, it is hard to use. I look forward to using Diigo to get a better understanding of how to use this tool. 

    I love blogging, I enjoy writing them and feeling like I can write what I want and it doesn’t have to have a formal tone on it. I like writing them and feeling like I am having a conversation when I am really just writing and putting down my feelings. I have learned through blogging that sometimes it is nice to use a blog post to put everything together and almost recap what I learned. The only thing I have liked about the blog is I think it would be fun to almost have like a free write and we can write what we want. 

I really want to use Tik Tok as a tool in my classroom because it is something that can be used for fun and educational purposes. On TikTok you can post short videos about whatever you want, it can be hauls, dances, and reviews. I would use TikTok to post examples about what we are learning in class and have my class interact with them. I would have the also post their own examples so classmates can see some other examples too. Here is a link to TikTok here:
