Blog Journal #4

    LAFS.2.RL.3.7 from grade level 2, this standard talks about using pictures to help bring a better understanding to things. It brings a better understanding to things like characters, settings, and plots. They will use different technology systems to create this understanding. I think I would be able to implement this into a classroom because these things I already have a basic understanding and I would further with the sites they provide to be able to teach my students. I also think using pictures to teach these things is the best way since a picture is worth a thousand words. 
    I think these resources can be used when I am teaching because they provide a base for me to go off on. It has things that I can use to teach lessons but also provide what I should be teaching them. Most of these resources include activities that would be used to help teach the lesson. All of the resources give an overview and then a lesson plan so you know what the goal is before you read the plan. A lesson plan is a good resource because it lays out what I am supposed to teach and for the most part it will also say how I am expected to teach it. Some of the other standards, it also includes a test that you can use for your students.    
    For internet searching as a teacher, you need to be proficient because you are using the information that you find by either teaching them or showing what you found. I think I will use the image search function the most because it gives you exactly what you need. I really like the option of searching by color because it helps me find the right image I need and makes it a much easier process. I haven’t used a lot of the internet searching functions that we learned about today, for the most part, they were all new to me. There wasn’t an internet function that I used that wasn’t on there. 
