Blog Journal #3

Blog Journal #3

    Copyright is legal protection for things like trademarks, patents, and things of those nature. It basically makes something you created yours and can’t be used unless you say so. Fair use is like an exception to copyright it allows you to use something that has copyright without getting permission. As a teacher I would just be careful what I allow my students to have downloaded on their computer or physical copies, most teachers I have wouldn’t put their powerpoints on canvas for this reason. The things I create are for my use unless I give permission for someone to use it. Students that create their own work won’t be shown to others unless they give permission. 

    Cyberbullying is one of the biggest problems that people face, especially people that are new to the internet. A solution to this would block certain works that are usually used from being used on the classroom platform. Also, if make the punishment big if someone were to do this. Decreased productivity is something a lot of us face now since we have our computers in front of us. If we allow the students some free time with the computer then it will make them work hard when they are doing class work on the computer since they know they are working for free time. 

    The newsletter was really fun to work with and I feel like I got to put my personality on paper. I never use canva and I used it twice for this assignment so I got to learn how to use that and a few of the things that I used on MS Word, I had never used before. I can improve my newsletter in the future by finding ways to make it a little less wordy, I feel like I was trying to fill up the space and didn’t know how else I could do that without writing more. The skills I learned from this assignment can be used in my future career because I hope to keep my students and parents all on the same page so if I send out an electronic newsletter I can take things that I learned and used in this assignment and use them in the future.  

Pictures of my Newsletter 

