Blog Journal #1

     Hi, I am from Miami, Florida, and grew up there my whole life. I moved to Tallahassee to go to University and plan on graduating this summer! I come from a big family and grew up as the middle child. When I graduate I plan on doing something in the education system but I am not sure what that is yet! I hope you enjoy the blog post on this site!
     Technology has been a huge experience in my education while growing up. When I was in elementary school, Smart Board were just started to come around and teachers couldn’t get enough. When Covid hit, I was able to continue my education because we had the technology, classes got switched to online and zoom was something I basically lived on. Since we are back in school, technology still makes an impact and is coming more and more a part of education every day.
    My personal learning network is a mix of my social life, school life, and work. Some of the tools I use are Canvas (for school), Outlook (both school and work), Snapchat (connect with friends), and Optim8(my work app). Some of the spaces I use are my classrooms, my apartment, and my workplace. Some of the people that I interact with are my friends, teachers, and coworkers. 

"Miami" by flavio.leone is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
